NetDesign is a service that helps determine the optimal network geometry for a passive seismic monitoring during the fluid injection (e.g. a salt water disposal or a hydraulic fracturing). This tool computes the theoretical characteristics of local surface seismic networks, downhole arrays, as well as, complex seismic monitoring networks, for example a combination of surface and borehole receivers. By using NetDesign, the client can avoid problems due to the insufficient network coverage while minimizing costs by using an optimal network design.
NetDesign uses a specially developed software package to determine the sensitivity of the monitoring network. NetDesign calculates location accuracy values mapped in the area of interest. Location accuracy shows the maximum location error in both horizontal and vertical directions that is expected for a proposed network. Output can be presented as horizontal and vertical slices mapping network sensitivity and a location accuracy (see figure on the right). Unlike other software packages, NetDesign also includes the capability to calculate possible source mechanisms as well as attenuation. Typically there are several network geometry candidates that are compared using NetDesign, or our analysts can propose an optimal monitoring network maximizing the performance and minimizing costs.
NetDesign is used for setting up a real-time seismic monitoring system SafeFrac developed by Seismik.