Seismik publications
Selected early publications, journal articles and conference contributions of Seismik employees
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- Vinard, N.A., Drijkoningen, G.G., Verschuur, D.J., Alexandrov, D. and Eisner, L. (2022), Localizing weak microseismic events using transfer learning with a deep neural network. Geophysical Prospecting.
- 2024 - President of Seismik Leo Eisner was awarded Honorary membership of EAGE, more about the award at
- 2023 - Seismik's president Leo Eisner was nominated SEG Honorary Lecturer for Europe:
- Seismik's solution "Distinguish between natural and induced seismicity" was nominated as a finalist in the Czech innovation 2012 contest, in the category Promising innovation.
- Leo Eisner, Dmitry Alexandrov and Umair Waheed, Mapping pore pressure with microseismicity and borehole data, SEG workshop on PP in Carbonates
- S. Williams-Stroud, F. Stanek, L. Eisner, A. Dichiarante, H. Leetaru, S. Greenberg: Integrating induced seismicity for enhanced subsurface structural interpretation at the Decatur, Illinois Sequestration Site, submitted to 16th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies GHGT-16
- Александров Дмитрий Владимирович, Лео Эйснер, Умар бин Вахид, СанЛинн Измаил Ибрагим Кака, Стюарт Алан Гринхал, (2021), "Активация разломов сбросового типа в процессе гидроразрыва пласта: месторождение барнетт-шейл, провинция форт-уэрт-бэйсин", ГеоЕвразия-2021, conference presentation
- Cao N., L. Eisner and Z. Jechumtalova, 2021, Next maximal event magnitude from statistical method. Conference Proceedings, EAGE GeoTech 2021 First EAGE Workshop on Induced Seismicity, Volume 2021, p.1 - 5, doi:
- Staněk F., Williams-Stroud S., Turjaková V., Eisner L., 2020. Interpretation of Seismicity Induced by CO2 Sequestration at Illinois Basin — Decatur Project. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference.
- Opršal I., Eisner L., 2012. Hydraulic fracturing in shale and seismicity: Blackpool (UK), 2011. Fracking and Stimulation Workshop, Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Opršal I., Eisner L., 2012. Using cross correlation to indicate induced seismicity. SPE/SEG Injection Induced Seismicity, Broomfield, Colorado.