Courses and training
Course: "Microseismic Monitoring in Oil and Gas Reservoirs" by Seismik President Dr. Leo Eisner.
This workshop focuses on understanding the measurements made in passive seismic and their uncertainties. Dr. Eisner explains principles of the microseismic monitoring ranging from an acquisition in a single monitoring borehole, surface and near surface networks to engineering applications of microseismicity. The case studies are used when they illustrate the conceptual point; however they are not the main focus of this class. At the end of this course attendees should be able to design, to select the right kind of processing and understand the uncertainties in the microseismicity.
Attendees will be able to understand and to avoid an interpretation of uncertain observations and to gain an insight in true information provided by the microseismicity. No requirement on any prior class is needed, although knowledge of a hydraulic fracturing and seismology is useful. Social and scientific aspects related to the felt seismicity in the vicinity of oil and gas reservoirs are discussed, including recent case studies. The course also covers the latest development in microseismic applications from source mechanisms, through anisotropy to engineering applications. The workshop focuses on what a potential geoscience or engineering user of microseismic information needs to know to make good decisions procuring, understanding and applying microseismic results and information in your work.